The Deep Wade Podcast
An in-depth podcast devoted to educating people about the latest fisheries and watershed science, a shared passion for fly angling, and their intersection and combined implications for conservation in a rapidly changing world. Tune in for monthly deep-dives into all things fish and fishing, along with monthly bonus episodes focused on topical issues and interviews with expert scientists and anglers.
The Deep Wade Podcast
Interview with Dr. Jack Stanford Professor of Everything Rivers and Fish
In this episode from the original Barbless Podcast John interviews Dr. Jack Stanford, one of the world's preeminent river geomorphologists and fishery biologists. Jack has studied rivers and fish across the North Pacific Rim from Kamchatka (Russia) to Montana. Our wide-ranging conversation includes Jack’s origins as an angler and scientist, his major research findings, and why he believes good habitat and wild salmon are the key to sustainable fisheries. The episode includes amazing stories, such as thousands of stoneflies pouring through water faucets in a Montana town. That’s right, stoneflies. Tune in for this, and more, if you want to learn more about rivers and fish.