The Deep Wade Podcast
An in-depth podcast devoted to educating people about the latest fisheries and watershed science, a shared passion for fly angling, and their intersection and combined implications for conservation in a rapidly changing world. Tune in for monthly deep-dives into all things fish and fishing, along with monthly bonus episodes focused on topical issues and interviews with expert scientists and anglers.
The Deep Wade Podcast
Interview with The Metal God - Bill Herzog
A Black Friday special. In this episode I back to the clock to one of my favorite guests from the original Barbless Podcast back in 2020. I interview Bill Herzog – the Metal God, and one of the best steelheaders the planet has ever known. We talk his roots as an angler, why he loves spoon fishing, some of his best steelhead stories, and ultimately, why he has increasingly turned to swinging a fly. All that and more, so tune in if you want a history lesson on steelheading and a better understanding of Bill's history and why he now loves swinging flies.